Tastes like steak! – crushed peppercorn crusted ahi tuna

15 minute preparation! Quickest meal EVER to be made. Frozen peas, instant mashed potatoes, frozen red tuna. Yep that’s right, not beef. One thing you need to know about me is I love fish. But my hubby prefers red meat, so when I took my first bite and exclaimed, “Tastes like steak!” No one will be surprised, but when honey took his first bite and confirmed, “Tastes like steak!” This you’ve got to see!

Start with an ahi tuna or albacore tuna or any red tuna. I get mine frozen.

The instant mashed potatoes* were the most work in the whole meal since you have to measure milk then water and crush a garlic clove and mix it in. But after that it’s smooth sailing.

First set out your red tuna steaks to thaw in a bowl of water the refrigerator several hours. Also I poured my frozen peas into the pan I would be cooking them in and let them thaw in the fridge too.

Then only ten minutes before dinner time, begin by putting the peas on the stove on medium heat.

Also put a frying pan on the stove on med-high heat to prepare it for the arrival of your tuna steaks in one spritz of olive oil.

Prepare the mashed potatoes according to their package directions. Then crush a garlic clove into the potatoes and stir it around.

Finally, roll the red tuna steaks in equal parts white sesame seeds, black sesame seeds and my own crushed black peppercorn seasoning**. Seer the tuna steaks One minute per side will give you a bright red meat like the gourmet restaurants, four minutes on each side will cook it grey all the way through if that’s how you like it.

Amazing, but true. Red meat of the sea!

*I’ve since discovered frozen mashed potatoes, I set them out to thaw beside the peas, and reheat at the same time. So quick, so yummy.

**like Montreal Steak Seasoning – get Nichole’s crushed black peppercorn seasoning revealed here!. I use it on steaks, chicken, and pretty much everything.

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