Longing For Long Lost Friends – Mousse au Citron et à l’Orange

My dearest friend left to visit family, and in parting he said he’d be back. I think it’s easier to say, I’ll be back. The other option is too sad to consider. Perhaps we always prefer to think of our future as a continuation of the present as opposed to entertaining the idea that the future may be full of drastic changes – that we know not of. The void of the unknown is, as it would appear, unpleasant at best.
But like so many friends before him, my favorite cooking partner left to visit family, and never has returned. Life’s adventures have taken him to the far reaches of the world, but never back to Paris.
Paris is a very agreeable city. I know of none other like this big giant village that we call Paris. Where the neighbors greet with a hearty, “Bonjour!” And the small family run business and artisans thrive contently in the bustling center city. Yes, Paris is a very agreeable city, but it doesn’t seem to agree with everybody. Or so it would seem, since we barely know anybody who has been in Paris longer than we have, that is to say, seven years.
It was so delightful to have a cooking partner that would stop by twice a week with new recipes to discover, and a sac of groceries in tow. Oh, how I miss him. And his eccentric gourmet cooking…

His Citrus Mousse was a huge success. He taught me how to make a mousse that never fails. I hope you enjoy the recipe as much as we did. I’ve made it twice in his absence and passed on what he taught me to new friends… Every time I make it, I reminisce of our joyous afternoons spent in the kitchen whipping goodness into luscious perfection…

Mousse au Citron et à l’Orange

1 1/4C (300ml) heavy whipping cream
the juice and the zest of one lemon
(keeping some zest for decoration)
the juice and the zest of a half of orange
(keeping some zest for decoration)
1/3C (65g) sugar
2 egg whites

Whisk together the cream, zests of lemon and orange, and the sugar in a large mixing bowl until the mixture starts to thicken. Add the juice of lemon and orange and continue to whisk until it becomes thick.
In another perfectly clean bowl whip the egg whites until soft peaks form and then delicately incorporate the egg whites into the citrus cream mixture. Pour the mousse into four serving glasses. It will continue to thicken in the fridge. Decorate with the reserved zests.

Mousse au Citron et à l’Orange

300 ml de crème fraîche
le jus et le zeste râpé d’un citron
(réservé quelques filaments de zeste pour décorer)
le jus et le zeste râpé d’un demi orange
(réservé quelques filaments de zeste pour décorer)
65g de sucre en poudre
2 blancs d’oeufs

Fouettez ensemble la crème fraîche le zeste de citron et de l’orange et le sucre dans un grand saladier jusqu’à ce que le mélange commence à épaissir. Ajoutez les jus de citron et de l’orange puis continuez à fouetter jusqu’à épaississement.
Dans un autre bol parfaitement propre, montez les blancs d’oeufs en neige souple puis incorporez-les délicatement à la crème parfumée. Versez cette mousse dans quatre verres et faites prendre au frigo. Décorez avec les filaments de zeste de citron et de l’orange.

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