Coming to Faith

“Life is a series of questions. The process of seeking the answers is called faith.”

What does it mean that faith is a process?

So, a young man has been learning about Jesus with a friend of ours. One week our friend asked him if he wanted to follow Jesus, he did, and they prayed together. – Sounds like a Christian.
The following week this young man came to our home group. Everyone was introducing themselves, and someone asked him if he was Christian. He said, “No, but I prayed with a ‘M.’ and I want to know more.” – Sounds like not a Christian.
The evening progressed with French worship music, Bible teaching, and prayer. This young man responded with a great grasp of Theology. – Sounds like a Christian.
The following week the young man had finished reading all of the book of Proverbs like we had suggested and frequently used the term, “We who believe …” when talking about the Bible. – Sounds like a Christian.
As it turns out he’s never read the gospel of John, so this week we challenged him to finish the book of John before the next meeting. – Can he be a Christian?
The weekend rolled around and he ditched us at the last minute to hang out with a friend instead of coming to the Celebration service. – Not encouraging.
Bottom line it’s difficult to tell where this guy is. But he’s headed in the right direction and we will continue to teach him. Please pray for patience and joy in our hearts as we guide gently.

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