This is our new friend and teammate, Mickaël. You might remember his face in our Spring letter about Free Bible Tables. He has been a great encouragement to us, He challenges us to have wise words and quick responses ready and look for opportunities to point out God’s truth to those around us.His wife is named Valerie, she is 8 months pregnant and expecting a little baby girl, Abigail, any time now. Valerie and Mickaël would like your prayer for a healthy delivery.
They are BIG believers in prayer and will probably be passing on a number of prayer requests so that you can know how to better pray for them. Since this is their first baby, they are really anxious and perhaps a bit nervous. They are dedicated to raising Abigail with the understanding of a relationship with God.
They have started singing her hymns (even in the womb). They would like Abigail to grow up knowing English, even if this means first learning English themselves. One way they have begun is to learn Bible Verses put to song in English. This way they are learning English and singing to their daughter at the same time. Isn’t that just so cute!
Mickaël is the type of guy that is always optimistic. He always has something to share that hea read from the Bible that day. And this makes him a natural “evangelist”. He said that for a while he didn’t want to share his faith because it scared him. But we met him at the Martin’s good news club where he was the guest teacher. He gave his testimony of how he found faith and the kids were really attentive. Together we are exploring culturally appropriate and attractive ways of sharing his faith. (Like passing out free Bibles, everybody likes a free gift!) And we are encouraging each other’s growth in talking about our faith with our friends in ways that are pertinent.
Mickaël would also like you to pray for his development of a new association. He has big dreams, stadiums full of French people praising God, churches that reach out to their communities, and a new definition of telling people about God that is attractive and appropriate. Pray for wisdom as the vast idea of this association comes together first in Mickaël’s mind. Pray for motivational communication that would draw others alongside this work. Pray for the support of French churches, and willing hearts to commit themselves to make talking about faith a part of their lifestyle. Pray that secret protestants would come out into the open with their faith. Perhaps they will experience persecution, but pray that many would find the path to a loving God through their lives lived in authenticity.