Best In Show – Arnaud’s Tropical Rice Salad

Not your ordinary carry-in dish, this salad has flare! Arnaud found this recipe and brought it to Rob’s birthday picnic. It was a smashing success! If there were a trophy for the most impressive carry-in dish, he deserves it!
If you’re preparing this as a main dish for dinner at home with the family, like we just did last night, half of the recipe should feed four people nice generous portions.

Arnaud’s Tropical Rice Salad
2 cups (350 g) basmati rice
2 cups (200 g) shrimp
3 green onion (oignon nouveau)
2 cups (150 g) bean sprouts (pousse de soja)
1 mango
1/2 cup (50 g) peanuts

1 cup (15 cl) coconut milk (unsweetened)
1 tsp (càc) cayenne pepper (piment d’espelette)
2 limes
3 branches fresh mint
Giant sea salt

Cook the rice. Cook and clean the shrimp. Slice the green onion. Dice the mango. Crush the peanuts.

Zest and juice the limes. Mix together the coconut milk with the lime juice, zest & pepper. Pour the sauce over all of the other ingredients. Toss. Chill.

Sprinkle with giant salt and mint to serve.

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