Gifts that aren’t toys

My Mom sent me a link to this blog list of gift ideas that aren’t toys. This Christmas season I’m looking forward to quality time with extended family and that means playing board games in our pyjamas, playing make-believe, riding through the country to see the Christmas lights, chasing trains, going to the zoo and the aviary. Is my list missing anything? Let’s get our creative energies flowing and swap suggestions…

75+ things to buy your Pittsburgh kids for christmas this year that aren’t toys

Written by Heather Starr Fiedler. Posted in PittsburghMom

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If your’re anything like me you have TOO MANY toys in your house as it is. We had so many toys (that my kids hardly ever played with) that I started a toy drive a few years ago to collect gently used toys to give to needy families (donate your old toys!)  As Christmas approaches, I’m ever-more aware that my children are growing out of toys and look for alternative gifts to give them instead. Gifts of experiences, education and family memories.  Here are some ideas for non-toy gift ideas for your Pittsburgh families this holiday season

Season Passes

Shows & Experiences

A Class or Season of Lessons

  • Swimming
  • Sports
  • Gymnastics
  • Dance
  • Karate
  • Musical Instrument
  • Pottery Class- or paint your own pottery
  • Art Class
  • Craft class (ie. knitting)
  • Horseback riding lessons

Family Experiences



Actual Gifts that aren’t Toys

  • A monthly subscription. Here are 10 great ideas for monthly subscriptions that are kid-friendly
  • Books
  • Games
  • Movies
  • CDs of music
  • Craft kits
  • New backpack
  • Puzzles
  • Science kits
  • Computer Programming kits fromArduino or Raspberry Pi
  • New art supplies
  • Magazine Subscriptions (we love National Geographic Kids)
  • Fun new clothes (based on their favorite game or tv show)
  • Sporting equipment
  • Fun Bath Supplies (color-changing water tablets, crayons that write on walls, etc.)
  • Wrist watch
  • Piggy bank. This is a great one for kids
  • Journal
  • Jewelry Box
  • Magic Kit
  • Cookbook & Apron/Chef Hat
  • Easel
  • Chalkboard
  • Telescope
  • Magnifying glass
  • Compass
  • Fishing Pole
  • Flashlight
  • Gardening tools
  • Bug-catching tools
  • Binoculars
  • Globe
  • Online subscription to an educational game like SumDog
  • New decorations for their room
  • A new bedding set
  • iTunes gift cards
  • A pet!

PittsburghMom is our original, featured blog by Heather Starr Fiedler.  Heather created PittsburghMom in March 2008 and began this journey.  Heather is the mom to two young boys, Matthew (9) and Benjamin (7), a college professor and General Manager of PittsburghMom. She’s busy, but not too busy to blog about her sometimes serious, sometimes painful and often humorous thoughts on life and share her favorite Pittsburgh spots for families.

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