A profound quote from our last Thirty Something Club, this monthly club was started by a friend of ours.
The guest speaker was a French 28 year old author/screenwriter/board game creator. (He worked with the guy who created Prison Break)
things are imposible
that we don’t dare to try.
It’s because
we don’t dare to try
that things are impossible!”
After this Thirty Something Club we headed to a reastaurant to dine with three friends. One of these friends is on a spiritual journey, the other two have been believers for some time. So the journey-man is sharing a recent discovery that God has created ethics and that we should decide to stop at the stop sign because it pleases God, and it demonstrates love to our fellow man. (As opposed to avoiding being caught or avoiding a fine.) Then he turns and askes one of the believers present what standard they regularly use for making moral decisions. But this believer replied with an equally philosophical comment on how all morals are culturally relative and determined by the social pressures and not necessarily handed down directly from God.
So yet again another spiritual discussion arises in our pressence. The Lord has really blessed us by surrounding us with sensitive people who are musing over deep and amazing things. We love these conversations and we find that they are enriching for everyone involved.