Sunday Night Seeker Service

It’s called La Rencontre (the gathering) and it’s message is geared to the unsaved, while the worship draws in believers…

Dennis shared the meditation time.

look at the band go! They’re great!

“The Singing was Wonderful!” -Holly

This is the story of a trial run of a long time dream. Amongst ourselves the team always talks in terms of if, and maybe, when we talk about the future of this event. But so far the response has been great.

It has been a partnership between ourselves, a Baptist church in town, and some Intervarsity ties.

The first Sunday Gathering was January 21st. Dennis Martin planned a night of worship, an Intervarsity guy prepared a seeker sensitive sermon, and the Baptist church lent us their building and some people to help out. The auditorium was packed. There were 70 guests. And half of them were newcomers who just dropped by to check it out. The music was touching. And we invited our friend Franck – who is never disturbed by spirituality, but didn’t seam too disturbed either by the blatantly evangelical spin.

The second & third gatherings were January 28th and February 4th with a slightly smaller crowd, but still great worship. We all know people who are interested in spirituality, but intimidated by the church and we are looking for a way to promote faith outside of their expectations. We hope that this will provide a tool to promote spirituality and oneness with God.

We had a great conversation with a young man who wants to come again, and want’s to continue seeing us. He really clicked with Holly and Jean. And we hope to continue our spiritual discussion soon.

A two meter tall banner welcomes guests at the door:

The theme verse:
“Taste and See that the Lord is Good”

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