Another First!

It’s a first!!! Our friends surprised us with tickets to the Ballet this week! Believe it or not neither Rob or I had ever been to a ballet before, never EVER! (Well with the exception of the short years that Nichole took dance lessons. how old was I Mom? Eight, maybe? But I’m not sure the YMCA kids community dance recital counts.)
So we got dressed up and met our friends on the steps of the Palace Garnier Opera House. Where we were greeted with this luxury all around…
It was the opening night of two short stories by Russian choreographers. Psyche and Creation. This was nothing like modern interpretive dance where the dancers throw themselves around the stage with no plot. It was a real ballet, pointes, spins, and lifts. But… the costumes where the real stars of the show! There was a Barbie, some action figures, and lots of monsters that would have made Jim Henson proud.

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