Dad – Dave Plaster 1949-2010
“He was always a man with one foot firmly planted in heaven, and one foot planted temporarily here on earth. He was just shifting his weight where he truly belonged.”
We have opened hundreds of cards, given thousands of hugs, driven 1086 miles, cried a million tears, and received the many blessings you have sent.
He was only ill for six weeks, a brief era in his action-packed life.
Our favorite doctor.
Thanks for all the encouraging cards. Many of them decorated the hospital walls.
He got great care at Cleveland Clinic. He saw twenty-some doctors and specialists some came from far away to help study his case.
The flowers were amazing. It is a live rose and every petal is a different color – astounding!
The memorial service was broadcast live around the world!
Mom’s friend gave a compelling surprise performance.
The Plasters of Paris with their adorable niece Shelly.
Shelly models the new fashion – straight from Paris, France.
Shelly’s 4th Birthday Party
Her favorite gift was an Ariel bathtub doll that Uncle Andy got her.
Shelly and her cousin Tristan.
Andy and Shelly – Inseparable.
Nana teaches Shelly to bake sugar cookies.
Nichole helps Shelly ice the sugar cookies.
Shelly indulging in a good old ice cream sundae.
Mom Plaster baked one of her famous homemade apple pies! Dad’s favorite.
The Teevans had us over for dinner. It’s nice to get out of the house and enjoy some conversation around the table.
Hand-dipped chocolat covered strawberries.
Magdelena savoring one of the strawberries she helped to make.
The Nicodemus’ had us over for dinner too, their boys are great pick-me-ups.
Andy watching Rob swing the boys while sipping his strawberry lemonade – you would think it were summer or something!
People from the church sent a HUGE easter basket for the whole family, with books and cards and candy.
Andy said it first, and I think we all agree… going to people’s homes for dinner is much better (and more therapeutic) at this time than having meals delivered to the house.
Tonight we ate with Judy Bechtel and the Varians. We only thought to get the camera out ater the children had gone to bed. Socializing is tonic.
The Mothers of Preschoolers hosted a tea and testimonies brunch this morning. Many of the testimonies were about the marriages of the young ladies. It’s going to take a while to ease back into this stuff. Praise the Lord for ladies who are encouraged in their transparency, and the freedom the Lord has brought in their lives!

We took Andy and Mom to one of our favorite old haunts from our time in Columbus. Great memories.
Honey, I don’t think we’re in Paris anymore … Two Geese crossings, two deer spottings, and over a dozen wild turkeys sighted. Welcome to rural America.
Well, that concludes this stay in the States. We have officially completed every physical task imaginable to help around the house. Rachelle had to go home to rest with her pregnancy nearing term, and Andy just left days ago. It’s hard to be the last ones to leave Mom in the big empty house. Five weeks of bereavement sounded generous when this adventure began, now it feels too short. But Mom is ready and we’ll call her everyday. It’s time to rejoin our church in Paris, we’ll use our vacation this year to visit family again, and that will come around soon enough.