Tap water in Paris is not only safe, it’s delicious!
In Paris water is a human right, intended to be appreciated by the masses for FREE!
Drink EAU DE PARIS with pride.
In fact Paris water is the most highly controlled product produced in the city.
It’s a source of pride for the mayor, as well as the citizens.
Paris water has it’s own marketing campaigns always featuring cutting edge designers and artists. Run your cursor over the EAU DE PARIS header and appreciate their magic on their website
dedicated to nothing other than Paris water.
Fresh Springs
Four underground springs are the source of the majority of Paris water.
It’s clean, healthy and yummy.
Need I say more?

Wallace Fountains
Dehydration is the number one cause for illness when traveling. Hydrating with good clean water is the best way to fight jet lag.
Paris actually has 108 public fountains where city water runs continually. Simply hold out your willing water bottle under the stream to carry this life source
with you wherever you go.
“Une Carafe d’Eau S’il Vous Plait.”

Don’t be fooled, water is always FREE at restaurants. Now, it does happen now and again that tourists walk into a restaurant and get duped. Here’s what you need to know …
If it looks like you don’t know French, then they’ll assume that you don’t know their customs, therefore, if you order, “Water, Please.” They’ll most likely bring out a bottle of water and add it to your tab. If you order like a Parisian you’ll say, “Une carafe d’eau, s’il vous plait.” and they’ll bring you tap water in a pitcher without hesitation.
On the right, you’ll see a restaurant that has decided to charge by the glass. They can do this legally but it must be printed on the menus and posted visibly inside and outside the restaurant.
I might add that fancy restaurants make an exception to this delightful rule. If you are paying more than 10 euros for your main dish, they will only serve you bottled water – on the grounds that it is more classy.
Souvenir Water
You may have probably heard of Evian bottled water, but did you know that Evian is a city in France with fresh spring water on tap? If you go to visit you will find that the water running through the pipes is the same quality as the water they market in bottles.
So, why haven’t you heard of Paris brand water? Maybe because Evian has amazing marketing plan. Maybe Paris water will be the next big fashion. While you’re in Paris you may want to take home a unique souvenir, this carafe conceived by the fashion designer Frédérique Daubal is intended to be sold to Parisians and refilled endlessly with EAU DE PARIS. You can pick one up at a shop near the Louvre called Machupichu 4, rue des Pyramides, and at a shop not far from Notre Dame called La Marchande de Couleurs 10, rue Lagrange.