Here is our Summer schedule. Please contact us if you want to see us during our time in the USA.
24 April leave Paris/arrive in USA
25 April Grace Church -Goshen,IN
29 April Community Grace Brethren -Warsaw
29 April Parisian Café New Paris,IN
6 May Marysville,OH
13 May Columbus,OH (Rob’s Dad’s first official Sunday as Senior Pastor)
9 May Quest
19/20 May Grace Church Akron, OH – N&S
27 May Harvest- Kittanning,PA
3 June Martinsburg,PA
3 June Valley Grace, Armaugh,PA (PM)
6 June Liberty, Johnstown,PA
17 June Pike, Johnstown,PA (AM)
17 June Leamersville, Duncansville,PA (PM)
10 June Myerstown
20-23 June DRIVEN Gambier,OH
24 June Wooster,OH
27 June Millersburg,OH
1 July Canton,OH (AM)
1 July Ellet, Akron,OH (PM)
2-9 July Florida visiting supporters
9-13 July Family Reunion Winona
Salut, mes amis !Vous nous manquez !ça va bien ? On va penser à vous ce soir au concert.Bises,Hollyp.s.Jean vous passe le bonjour de sa part. Keep me updated on how to pray!
I’ll be looking forward to seeing you guys on the 17th at Pike! I’m praying for you and all your traveling.