We often have pastors and elders visit us to share with our assembly, so it’s only fair that we visit someone else once in a while to return the favor. We had the service, an outreach night, and several lovely dinners discussing faith. Here are photos of our Winter Wonderland Week in Germany and Pulpit Swap.
Nichole made peace with snow for the first time in eight years. As a girl I loved the snow and I grew up with the whole family, parents and grandparents, out in the snow building snowmen and designing bigger better sled routes. But after getting snowed in living in central Columbus, Ohio the thought of snow just made me shiver. We couldn’t move our car for over a week, every inch of sidewalk was just a solid thick sheet of ice. It felt dangerous, and scary. Now after time has passed and snow has come only in the form of flurries, and that only rarely – I missed the snow and was ready to embrace it again. It’s very important to have the right shoes.