Impact on Campus

WOW! The Parisian university students were so encouraged to see young people like themselves passing out free Bibles. We always have invitations with us when we pass out free Bibles. This way students who are interested in learning more know where they can find believers to “walk” together. With each free Bible we invited the students to a Bible study later in the week. There were two exceptional stories of God’s providence as he brought together those students that needed to be encouraged this week.

A young man showed up at the Bible study carrying one of our free Bibles. I greeted him and asked which campus had he seen our Free Bible Table. He was like, “What free Bible table?” As it turns out, he was walking down the street and he found a book on the ground. he flipped it over and found out it was a Bible. He decided to take it home and as he looked through it he found all of our invitations; to the Bible study, the worship night, and a CinéClub film night. He couldn’t help being drawn by the events one right after another spoke to him in a certain way. He lives in the neighborhood where the worship night and Bible study are, so he knew that God had something planned for him by putting this Bible literally right in the middle of his path! He had to check out who these people were … He has been attending the worship night ever since.

Another young man showed up with an equally incredible story… He didn’t see the Bible table at first, it was actually his friend that saw the table and started talking to him about it. The Bible he was carrying was one that a Christian friend had picked up to give away. This friend had even taken the time to write a little dedication in the front of the Bible before he gave it away. And the recipient was so touched he sought out the Free Bible Table to see what it was about, and then he came to our little Bible study at the end of the week, and he brought a handful of friends to the CinéClub film night!

When God is at work, anything is possible! Despite the odds.
This week we hosted Six Free Bible Tables and passed out a total of 300 Bibles!

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