Welcome to our new blog. Bookmark this page and return often to interact with fresh stories of culture in France, see what questions other subscribers are asking about ministry and life in Paris and, bien sur, browse our recent e-mail updates for prayer requests.
Snapshots of Life in Paris
It is our goal to post lots of photos so that you can truly interact with our everyday ministry and Parisian lifestyle.
Cafe Philo
Some of you out there love to discuss current trends in philosophy and ministry. We hope you enjoy reading about our breakthroughs and hurdles and even comment your own suggestions so that we (and perhaps other subscribers to our site) could benifit from you wisdom and brainstorming.
Prayers that Cross the Ocean
Daily there will be an opportunity for you to post your prayers for the ecnouragement and edification of the saints world-wide, as we all band together to combat the enemy.
Storm the gates of Hell with water-pistols and without shame!!!